Looking for a clean marina to float your boat this upcoming season? A good place to look in Maryland is on the state’s Department of Natural Resources’ website. There you can find a list of 124 marinas that have passed the state’s rigorous pollution prevention standards. The DNR’s Clean Marina Initiative recognizes and promotes marinas, boatyards and yacht clubs that meet legal requirements and voluntarily adopt pollution prevention practices. For example, Ocean Pines Marina was recently re-certified.
Ocean Pines Marina has an oil recycling and oil spill response plan, participates in oyster gardening, provides staff training for fire, hurricane, oil, and fuel emergencies, maintains a pump-out station, and manages waste containment and proper disposal. The DNR now has certified nearly 25 percent of Maryland’s estimated 600 marinas as Clean Marinas or Clean Marina Partners and is striving to increase that percentage.
oceanpines.org; dnr.maryland.org
By Chris Knauss, Southern Boating January 2017
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