
Prediction from a Wall Street Guru

What’s In Store for 2023?
Prediction from a Wall Street Guru

January 11, 2023

Weekly Market Outlook

By Keith Schneider and Donn Goodman



Happy 2023 Gaugers. We are pleased to start another year with you all, especially after the ugly investment climate during 2022. Should you desire, we will be making all of our 2022 weekly Market Outlook’s (written by me and Keith) available in one PDF.

I am confident that we delivered some meaningful lessons including: putting on hedges;  using disparate strategies for better outcomes; using inverse ETFs for protection; how to watch volatility indices to know when it is more favorable to invest; selling big winners to protect capital; utilizing cash as an asset class; finding new advisors; and blending stock, bond and commodity investment strategies together (we offer this to our MGAM clients) to name a few of the topics we touched on during 2022.
