Summer Salad Bar

Early Summer Salad Bar

Let everyone but Dad serve themselves with this simple menu suited for a day out on the water. This summer salad bar will serve four, so feel free to add and adapt to your preferences.

Salad Bar


6 cups chopped iceberg or romaine lettuce
1 cup sliced radishes
2 cups diced cucumber
2 cups diced tomatoes
1 cup chopped onions
2 cups chopped sweet peppers
1 cup black or green olives
2 cups shredded cheddar cheese or crumbled blue cheese
1 cup bacon bits

Ranch Dressing


1 cup mayonnaise
1/2 cup sour cream or Greek yogurt or buttermilk
1/2 tsp. garlic powder or one clove minced garlic
1/4 tsp. each dried dill, chives and parsley
1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
1 Tbsp. lemon juice
Salt and pepper to taste

(make ahead of time and refrigerate):


Put chopped lettuce in a large bowl. Put ranch dressing in a separate bowl and place in the middle of a platter. Place salad ingredients around the bowl in rows for guests to self-serve.

By Lori Ross, Southern Boating June 2018

More Father’s Day Food:

Quick and Easy Sauerkraut

Ginger Grape Punch

Creamy Coleslaw

Hot Dog Bar


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